O proizvodima Protecta za pasivnu zaštitu od požara
The Protecta range of passive fire protection products, produced by Polyseam in the UK, is one of the most comprehensive in the industry today.
Leading the way since 1993, Polyseam specialises in manufacturing evidence-based, high-performance, fire protection products and systems that you can trust to perform well.
Polyseam-ovi hemičari, inženjeri i tehničari iz Velike Britanije i Evrope lideri su na polju istraživanja, razvoja i proizvodnje, a naš asortiman direktan je rezultat njihove inovativnosti.
Polyseam’s UK and European chemists, engineers and technicians continue to lead the field in research, development and manufacture – and our market-leading range of passive fire protection is a direct result of their pioneering expertise.
Naša misija je plasman prvoklasnih proizvoda u koje se naši klijenti mogu pouzdati. Posebnu pažnju polažamo na dostignuće perfekcije svih faza životnog ciklusa našeg proizvoda i ujedno pružamo kvalificiranu potporu projektantima i specijalistima odgovornim za ispravnu instalaciju naših proizvoda.

Aktivnosti na Zapadnom Balkanu
RED BIRCH ima ekskluzivno pravo da uvozi sve proizvode Protecta u region Srbije i Zapadnog Balkana, uključujući:
- Albaniju
- Bosnu i Hercegovinu
- Bugarsku
- Crnu Goru
- Republiku Severnu Makedoniju
- Republiku Srbiju

Naši proizvodi
Protecta are a market leader of passive fire protection products and offer an extensive range of penetration and linear gap seals. Our products provide effective and efficient fire-stopping solutions to enable greater fire protection in buildings around the world. All our products are thoroughly tested and come complete with supporting documentation to ensure fire safety compliance, and both CE certification and Serbian state certification (through Institut IMS in Belgrade).

Some of our best selling products in 2024.
FR malter
Protivpožarni akril FR Acrylic
Protivpožarna ploča FR Board
Protivpožarni premaz FR Coating
Protivpožarna obujmica FR Collar
Protivpožarna traka za cevi FR Pipe Wrap
Protivpožarni kit kabl FR Putty Cord
Protivpožarni jastuci FR Putty Pad
Sistemi za prolaz kablova FR Service Transit
Protivpožarna boja za čelik Steel Paint FR-1